Banglar Ghora Nach Sankriti
This year russa madhyapally club will be celebrating 75 years. Our theme on this occasion is to portray horse dance of burdwan and murshidabad, one of the oldest traditional folk dances of rural bengal. This is first of its kind theme adopted to promote tribal culture of akhara village of burdwan district. In early days, this specific community having expertise in this folk dance form used to perform in special occasion of rajas and zamindars of glorious bengal but in midst of modernisation these forms of traditional cultures are gradually disintegrating and perishing. Apart from theme based decorations and pandals, for the first time in kolkata people will witness the live performance of these artists and enjoy the rhythm of the tribal music in our pandal. Theme of a lost art and culture along with live performance of tribal artists will create a never forgettable ambiance for all visitors.