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Yuba Kalyan Sharad Samman

Durga Puja Awards

Yuba Kalyan Sharad Samman 2024

Yuba Kalyan Sharad Samman 2024

We have started our Sharod Samman on and from the year 2004 in Kolkata.

First year we started with 5 best prizes for 5 different categories and form second year onwards till date total 8 prizes are given by us for 8 different categories. About 300 Durga Puja Committees are shortlisted by us every year and out these participants 8 are honored for the best prize in different categories.

There are total 8 different categories and each award is given to the best only in the respective categories.

Our 8 different categories are:

  1. Srestho Bhavna
  2. Bochhorer Sristhi
  3. Srestho Paribesh
  4. Srestho Mondap
  5. Srestho Protima
  6. Sera Somaj Bandhu
  7. Sera Shilpi
  8. Sera Baroari